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The Assyrians Transcribe the Name

    "The Assyrians transcribe the Name  'Ya-u-a'." The Scriptures p. xii (Institute for Scripture Research, South Africa) I have written Institute for Scripture Research in Africa to ask for more documentation concerning this form used by the Assyrians, but have received no answer.

    However James Adair is a second witness to the use of this form,  "As the sound of Yah-wah jarred in Laudon's ear, he called it Java, in resemblance to the Syriac and Greek method of expressing the tetra-grammaton." History of the American Indians p. 218

    It is a fact that neither the Syriac or Greek have the letters  "J" or "V" in their alphabet, so obviously this is a modern way of expressing it.  Therefore the letter

    "I" would be in the place of the  "J" and the "U" in place of the "V", so that we see the original as  "Iaua".  The translators of the Ante-Nicene Fathers did the same thing to Clement of Alexandria, they put  "Jave" in the place of  "Iaou" his shortened version of  "Iaoue".  Thus the  "Java" expressed by Adair is a modern way of expressing it, as the original must have been  "Iaua", as Josephus related to the Greeks, which he did say consisted of  "four vowels" (Jewish Wars 5. 5. 7.), which leaves out the  "J" and the  "V".

    So what we have here is another historical testimony to add to the list, all ending with an  "a", instead of the corrupt Greek testimony which has an  "e".

 • Yaua   -  Assyrians

 • Iaua    -  Syriac & Greek

•  Ioua    - Island of Iona 7th Century

Yuah/Y'wa - Karens of Burma [Enc. Britainica]

Yava   -  Arizona Indians

Iova    -  Romans

Iowa/Yowa - American Indians [Esp. Cherokee]

Yohouah - Raymundus Martini (1278)

Iohouah - Porchetus (1303)

Ya Huwa - Arabs

Yah Wah - Adairs History of the American Indians p. 218

Yo He Wah - Adairs History of the American Indians p. 218

Iehovah  - Peter Galitin (1518)

    "The Assyrians transcribe the Name  'Ya-u-a', so Mowinckle and other scholars prefer  'Yahowah'." The Scriptures p. xii.  However there is a problem with this statement.  It does not agree with The New 20th Century Encyclopedia (2nd Ed.) of Religious Knowledge p. 886 which states, "Among etymologies proposed,     S. Mowinckle and J. Montgomery contend that the name is a compound, yahu or yahuwa."

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